Friday, November 21, 2008

The Displaced Person: "Symbol-ogy"of the Peacock

In response to Michelle's post regarding the Displaced Person and the symbolism of peacocks, I did some research and attempted to discover as much information as possible regarding this symbol.

1. Peacock's are representative of glory, immortality, royalty, and incorruptibility.

2. The peacock is considered the emblem of protection, nobility, guidance, and holiness.

3. In Greco-Roman mythology, the peacock is associated with Hera (Juno) who created the peacock from Argus. Argus' hundred eyes symbolize the vault of heaven and the eyes of the stars.

4. In Christianity, the peacock represents omnipotence of the church as well as resurrection, renewal, and immortality.

5. In Hinduism, the peacock represents benevolence, patience, compassion, and luck.

6. In Japan, the peacock is associated with benevolence and immortality.

That's all I could find right now. It seems that there is a theme of immortality and watchfulness. The peacock does not have any bad traits from the looks of what I found. Cool.

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