Thursday, September 18, 2008

That Tree

While I was reading, “That Tree.” I thought it was very interesting that the narrator not only defended Miriam but took her back at the very end after all of her pettiness. The whole story he focuses on her faults rather than directs his attention towards his second wife which he admits he ended his relationship due to her comments about Miriam or he could have been with another person. It seems that he always wants to be with Miriam however, he just does not want to admit that he truly does want to be with her, why else would he take her back in the end?
It was also interesting me his connection with the tree and how he only describes the tree as an oasis in which he is able to be artistic and just worry about his poetry rather than worry about anyone else or what they think about him or his poetry. The tree is his own escape which he gets to disappear into his work.

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