Monday, October 27, 2008

The Exotic Other

I'm really interested in how Porter and O'Connor write about the other. Porter especially likes to make her other exotic, especially in the Mexico stories. Even though it seems a lot of times that she is elevating them, she really is putting them down by trying to set them apart from every one else. Either way, they are seen as something separate and different from everyone else.

O'Connor kind of does something similar to this, but it is more subtle. Her representation of black characters are usually protagonists, but they are always seen lower than everyone else. The other is generally scary, like the displaced person, or the blacks in the city, in Artificial Nigger.

I want to take a closer look at how writing about the other as an outsider affects the character. Do the authors do them justice or just contributing to separate them? Is this offensive? How do the "other" view these stories?

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