Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Pale Horse Pale Rider

As far as imagery goes, the idea of the dream state that Porter evokes in "Pale Hose Pale Rider" is different than so many of her other stories. She has done a beautiful job in many of her works by exploring self worth, social constructs, and what it is to be polite. But here there is an exploration of reality. I am not sure weather this is coming from the idea of story and truth, or identity through family, but either way her writing style in PHPR evokes a different image than her previous works. Even the title makes me think of a strange, indistinguishable movement, where you don't know where the rider ends and the horse begins. In this fantastical creature Porter might be referring to the story being indistinguishable from the writer. Seeing as how this was to be incorporated into her most autobiographical work, it seems fitting for her to explore the idea of where her writing ends and her personal story begins.

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