Monday, September 29, 2008


In “Holiday” there is such an earnest pity that comes from the narrator that really we don’t get from the author often, if at all. Ottilie I think may be a character that imitates Porter’s own life. Porter then felt muted, and taken advantage of even in her works, felt misunderstood. Her narrator has such empathy for Ottilie that I can’t help but see the over the tones of sorrow and grief. When the revelation that Ottilie is in fact the eldest daughter, and neither deaf nor dumb you see the inward reflection of Porter’s narrator and the idea of self worth.

I think it is also telling that the ailments Ottilie has are ones that limit expression. I am not sure if Porter then is making a commentary on women being restricted by their families, or if it is more of a broad social message of women oppression. Or perhaps it is even the lack of dignity given to these that fail to assert them selfs properly, and that society then blames them rather than their environment. Either way Ottilie is a completely pitiful, sad and helpless character and maybe ven a little bit of an emotional "low blow" for Porter.

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