Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Braggioni and Mexico

So for the readings last night, I focused mainly on Flowering Judas because I started seeing Braggioni in a new light. The topic I am writing about is otherness and the Mexico stories and I think that Braggioni could represent an image of Mexico.

In the last class, we talked about how Mrs. Shortley was described as sort of a mythical creature and I think Braggioni is described in a similar way. I actually got an image of Jabba the Hut in my head, and Laura was like Princess Lea (I swear I'm not a Star Wars junkie!). I thought that this could be an image of Mexico through Porter's eyes (as Laura). Laura feels almost like a fake being in Mexico and doing what she is doing, yet she still connects herself with Braggioni. He is mythical, untouchable in many ways, and he could be the ineffable that Porter tries to attain while trying to integrate herself in the Mexican culture. Perhaps she felt she did since she wrote Maria Conception through the eyes of Mexicans.

Actually, as I'm writing this blog and thinking about my paper topic, I realized I need to actually research Mexico and the culture...

There is something so wrong and unnatural about Braggioni that he seems right. Could he be the exotic other representation of Mexico?

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