Friday, December 5, 2008

Second Glance at The Enduring Chill

What I found interesting the second time through was the dialogue between Asbury and the priest. From before in that story, Asbury reveals he “has failed his god, Art, but he had been a faithful servant and Art was sending him Death” (564). What seems so ironic to me is that Christians believe Satan, through revealing to humans their sinful nature and innate evil, lead them to be punished through death. For Asbury, however, his GOD bears him the GIFT of death. Existential? We live only to die? What kind of claims could KAP be making? Art is the god of death? Death is actually the ultimate victory of art? Art is merely an attempt to express something in connection with death (an argument I have heard in one of my philosophy classes)? I decided to replace the word “God” from the demands of the priest and Asbury’s responses, with the word Art, Asbury’s God.
-Art made you. Who is Art?
-Art is an idea created by man.
-Art is a spirit infinitely perfect. Why did Art make you?
-Art didn’t…
-Art made you to know Him, to love Him, to serve Him, in this world and to be happy with Him in the next.

From all of this I get the conflated idea of God and Art and Evil. I really wish I could clarify all of this more, but for right now, I just thought it was an interesting observation…

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