Wednesday, December 10, 2008

responce to feminism paper

I really liked that you are covering Porter and O'Connor. There is a quote that I think would be useful for you from O'Connor's essay on being a Catholic writer, paraphrased it is something like ' It is a writers duty to be true to reality and not change a character to fit some unrealistic plot' I think this would help as far as trying to explain why O'Connor does not have a "feminist" character. I think it is true that both authors write from their experience and surroundings weather that be from being Southern, Catholic, or women. They are both true to their soundings and it allows their works to occupy the space close to Historical fiction, that is if any of the characters were well known or famous.

The exact quote from page 808 The Church and the Fiction Writer
"What the fiction writer will discover, if he discovers anything at all, is that he himself cannot move or mold reality in the interests of abstract truth."

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